
Three Simple Tips to Cure Your Golf Slice

The golf slice is an annoying mishit which most of us have played at one time or another. To get rid of your slice you first need to know what causes it.

There are two main reasons you're slicing the ball;

1. The clubface is open to the path its travelling at the moment of impact.

2. You're swinging from outside-to-inside.

This article will give you a few simple tips to fix your slice. To fix your golf slice you need to;

1. Square the clubface

2. Swing on a nice square inside path.

Tip #1 Check Your Grip

Slicers of the ball tend to have a weak grip - meaning that the clubface is free to move open.

Ensure that your hands aren't turned too far left on the grip. To get the right grip position ensure that the Vs formed by the index finger and thumb on both hands points to your right ear.

Also when you look down you should only be able to see two knuckles of your left hand.

Tip #2 Fix Your Out-to-In swing path

If you're slicing the ball you're swinging too much from the outside in, this causes your slice. The swing path that will give you the straightest shots is an inside-square-inside swing path. The key is to stick to this inside-to-inside swing path as much as possible in the swing.

A good drill to develop a good feel for the inside square swing path is to set two tees opposite each other, about six inches away from one another. Place your ball in the middle of the tees now practice hitting the ball in the middle swinging through the tees.

If you hit the tees then you're swinging too much from the outside. Keep practising until you can hit the ball without making contact with the tees. This drill will get you used to swinging on an inside-square-inside path.

Tip #3 Squaring the Clubface

You have worked on fixing your out-to-in swing path. To fix the slice you need to work on both your swing path and your open clubface.

You want to ensure that your clubface is square at impact. The easiest way that you can get the clubface square at impact is to simply square the clubface at address and then keep it square throughout the entire swing.

You see it's much easier to bring the club back through with a square clubface if it was already square on the backswing. If your clubface is open or closed then you have to compensate by flicking the wrists over at impact, this doesn't work, not only do you slice the ball but you also lose a lot of power.

So remember - clubface square at address, on the backswing, on the downswing and then it's much easier to hit the ball with a square clubface.

Follow these tips, implement them in your game and practice!

